Monday, September 15, 2008

Ways to Encourage Writing at Home and School

  • Practice writing letters to friends, pen pals, even the tooth fairy!

  • When you go on a family vacation, help your child write down your adventures in a journal. This not only encourages writing, but will serve as a great memento.

  • Create a how-to guide together on an activity you enjoy doing with your child. For instance, How-To Build a Birdhouse or How-To Play Football.

  • Write encouraging notes to your child on Post-Its and stick them on places in the child’s room for the child to discover. Encourage your child to write you notes too.

  • Display a family message board and calendar where anyone can write important information or funny messages to share with the family.

  • Display your child's school writing on the refrigerator.

  • Have a bedroom decorating party and make posters with your child of things they enjoy.

  • Encourage your child to write kind notes to his or her classmates, teachers, or other school personnel.

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